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その他の主著・共著等  >>


1.  Pan. X., Tokutsu, R., †Li, A., Takizawa, K., Song, C., Murata, K., Yamasaki, T., Liu, Z., Minagawa, J., Li, M.  

Structural basis of LhcbM5-mediated state transitions in green algae.

Nat Plants., 7: 1119–1131, 2021. (†Equal contributions) 


2.  *Tokutsu, R., Fujimura-Kamada, Yamasaki, T., Okajima, K., *Minagawa, J. 

UV-A/B radiation rapidly activates photoprotective mechanisms in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Plant Physiol., 185: 1894-1902, 2021. (*Corresponding authors) 

3.  *Tokutsu, R., Fujimura-Kamada, K., Matsuo, T., Yamasaki, T., *Minagawa, J. 

The CONSTANS flowering complex controls the protective response of photosynthesis in the green alga Chlamydomonas.

Nat. Commun., 10: 4099, 2019. (*Corresponding authors) 

4.  *Tokutsu, R., Fujimura-Kamada, K., Yamasaki, T., Matsuo, T., *Minagawa, J. 

Isolation of photoprotective signal transduction mutants by systematic bioluminescence screening in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Sci. Rep., 9: 2820, 2019. (*Corresponding authors)

5.  Kosuge, K., Tokutsu, R., Kim, E., Akimoto, S., Yokono, M., Ueno, Y., Minagawa, J. 

LHCSR1-dependent fluorescence quenching is mediated by excitation energy transfer from LHCII to photosystem I in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.,115: 3722-3727, 2018.


6.  ​†Petroutsos, D., †Tokutsu, R., Maruyama, S., Flori, S., Greiner, A., Magneschi, L., Cusant, L., Kottke, T., Mittag,

      M., Hegemann, P., Finazzi, G.,Minagawa, J.

A blue light photoreceptor mediates the feedback regulation of photosynthesis.

Nature 537: 563-566, 2016. (†Equal contributions)

7.  Tokutsu, R., Minagawa, J.

Energy-dissipative supercomplex of photosystem II associated with LHCSR3 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110: 10016-10021, 2013.

8.  †Allorent, G., †Tokutsu, R., Roach, T., Peers, P., Cardol, P., Girard-Bascou, J., Seigneurin-Berny, D., Petroutsos, D.,          Kuntz, M., Breyton, C., Franck, F., Wollman, F. A., Niyogi, K. K., Krieger-Liszkay, A., Minagawa, J., and Finazzi, G.

A dual strategy to cope with high light in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Plant Cell 25: 545-557 (2013). (†Equal contributions)

9.  Tokutsu, R., Kato, N., Bui, K. H., Ishikawa, T., Minagawa, J.

Revisiting the supramolecular organization of photosystem II in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

J. Biol. Chem. 287, 31574-31581, 2012.

10.  Tokutsu, R., Iwai, M., Minagawa, J.

CP29, a monomeric light-harvesting complex II, is essential for state transitions in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

J. Biol. Chem. 284:7777-7782, 2009.


1.  Kato, H., Tokutsu, R., Kubota-Kawai, H., Burton-Smith, R. N., Kim, E., Minagawa, J.

Characterization of a giant photosystem I supercomplex in the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodiniaceae.

Plant. Physiol., 183: 1725-1734, 2020.


2.  Watanabe, A., Kim, E., Burton-Smith, R.-N., Tokutsu, R., Minagawa, J. 

Amphipol-assisted purification method for the highly active and stable photosystem II supercomplex of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

FEBS Lett., 593: 1072-1079, 2019.


3.  Kubota-Kawai, H., Burton-Smith, R. N., Tokutsu, R., Song, C., Akimoto, S., Yokono, M., Ueno, Y., Kim, E.,

     Watanabe, A., Murata, K., Minagawa, J.  

Ten antenna proteins are associated with the core in the supramolecular organization of the photosystem I supercomplex in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

J. Biol. Chem., 294: 4304-4314, 2019.


4.  Burton-Smith, R. N., Watanabe, A., Tokutsu, R., Song, C., Murata, K., Minagawa, J.

Structural determination of the large photosystem II-light harvesting complex II supercomplex of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using non-ionic amphipol.

J. Biol. Chem., 294: 15003-13, 2019.


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